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  • Anti Hepatitis B Antibodies

    Anti-Hepatitis B Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to exposure to the Hepatitis B virus or vaccination against it. These antibodies play a crucial role in protecting against Hepatitis B infection by neutralizing the virus and preventing its replication. Testing for anti-Hepatitis B antibodies is essential in assessing immunity status or confirming successful vaccination. Our laboratory offers accurate testing to monitor antibody levels, ensuring effective protection against Hepatitis B.

  • Anti Hepatitis B Core Antibodies

    Anti-Hepatitis B Core Antibodies (anti-HBc) are immune proteins produced in response to exposure to the core antigen of the Hepatitis B virus. Their presence indicates past or ongoing Hepatitis B infection, regardless of whether the infection has resolved or persists chronically. Testing for anti-HBc antibodies aids in diagnosing Hepatitis B, assessing its stage, and determining immunity status. Our laboratory provides accurate testing for anti-HBc antibodies, enabling comprehensive evaluation and management of Hepatitis B.

  • Anti Hepatitis C Antibodies

    Anti-Hepatitis C Antibodies are proteins generated by the immune system in response to the presence of the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) or vaccination against it. These antibodies aid in neutralizing the virus and are indicative of either past exposure to HCV or an ongoing infection. Testing for anti-Hepatitis C antibodies is vital for diagnosing HCV infection and monitoring its progression. Our laboratory offers precise testing to detect these antibodies, ensuring effective management of Hepatitis C.

  • Hepatitis B Antigen

    Hepatitis B Antigen - Parameters: 1

    Transferrin is a protein that moves iron from the intestine to cells that need it. The iron test measures how much iron transferrin carries. The blood's iron content fluctuates throughout the day and from day to day. Therefore, if an iron blood (serum) test is taken in isolation, it is not a helpful indicator of iron status. For this reason, serum iron is frequently asked for in addition to other iron status tests. Transferrin, ferritin, TIBC (total iron binding capacity), and UIBC (unbound iron binding capacity) are a few examples of these tests. If a physician detects iron poisoning or diseases related to high iron storage, they will order iron tests. Hereditary hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that can cause excessive iron accumulation, although it can also happen after receiving several blood transfusions. Measurements are made of both transferrin and iron concentrations if iron excess is suspected. The extent of the iron overload can then be calculated using transferrin saturation. Transferrin saturation indicates how much iron is being carried by the blood and how much more it can hold.

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