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  • Follicle Stimulating Hormones

    Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a vital pituitary hormone essential for reproductive health in both genders. In women, FSH stimulates follicle development in the ovaries and regulates menstrual cycles, while in men, it supports sperm production in the testes. Fluctuations in FSH levels are integral to fertility and reproductive function. Our laboratory offers precise FSH testing, aiding in diagnosing and managing reproductive disorders effectively. Trust our comprehensive lab services for accurate assessments in reproductive health.

  • Free Thyroxine

    Free Thyroxine - Parameters: 1

    The primary thyroid hormone that the thyroid gland secretes into the bloodstream is called thyroxine (T4). In conjunction with triiodothyronine (T3), it is essential for controlling the body's metabolic rate, as well as growth, bone metabolism, cardiovascular health, and the proper development of the brain system and gonadal organs. In the bloodstream, T4 is a balanced combination of free and serum-bound hormone. The unbound, physiologically active version of T4 is called free T4 (fT4). One benefit of measuring free T4 is that it remains unaffected by variations in the quantities and characteristics of these binding proteins. In clinical routine diagnostics, free T4 is a helpful tool for determining the thyroid health. If thyroid issues are suspected, it should be examined along with TSH. It can also be used to track the effects of thyrosuppressive medication.

  • Luteinizing Hormones

    Luteinizing Hormones - Parameters: 1

    Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a crucial pituitary hormone involved in regulating reproductive functions in both males and females. In women, LH surge triggers ovulation and helps regulate menstrual cycles, while in men, it stimulates testosterone production. LH levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle and are essential for fertility. Our laboratory provides accurate LH testing, aiding in diagnosing and managing reproductive disorders. Trust our comprehensive lab services for precise healthcare assessments in reproductive health.

  • Oestradiol

    Oestradiol - Parameters: 1

    Estradiol, or oestradiol, is a primary female sex hormone crucial for reproductive health and development. Produced primarily in the ovaries, estradiol regulates the menstrual cycle, supports bone health, and influences libido. Its levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, aiding in fertility and maintaining overall well-being. Our laboratory provides precise estradiol testing, aiding in diagnosing and managing reproductive disorders effectively. Trust our comprehensive lab services for accurate assessments in hormonal health.

  • Progesterone

    Progesterone - Parameters: 1

    A steroid hormone called gestagen progesterone is mostly produced in the corpus luteum cells and in the placenta during pregnancy. The corpus luteum's growth and regression are correlated with the progesterone concentration. Progesterone levels rise the day before ovulation, despite the fact that they are hardly noticeable during the follicular phase of the female cycle. During the luteal phase, progesterone synthesis is increased. Pregnanediol is the principal progesterone breakdown product that is expelled in urine during the second part of the cycle. In order to prepare for the intrauterine implantation of the fertilised ovum, progesterone causes the uterine mucosa to transform into a tissue rich in glands (the secretory phase). Progesterone prevents the myometrium from contracting during pregnancy. Progesterone and oestrogens help the mammary gland produce more alveoli and encourage their growth, secretion, and disposition. Progesterone levels are measured in fertility diagnostics to identify ovulation and evaluate the luteal phase.

  • Prolactin

    Prolactin - Parameters: 1

    The anterior pituitary produces prolactin, which is produced in spurts. Because of the increased production of progesterone and oestrogen during pregnancy, the concentration of prolactin increases. Postpartum lactation is caused by prolactin's stimulating effect on the breast gland. Fertility issues in both men and women are primarily caused by hyperprolactinemia. Prolactin levels are used to diagnose azoospermia, gynecomastia, hyperprolactinemic amenorrhoea and galactorrhea, and anovular cycles. When pituitary tumours and breast cancer are suspected, prolactin levels are also measured.

  • Testosterone

    Testosterone - Parameters: 1

    Testosterone keeps the prostate and seminal vesicles functioning normally and encourages the development of secondary sex traits in men. Small amounts of testosterone are produced in the ovaries of women. There are no particular effects of androgens on women at physiological amounts. Depending on the degree of the increase, women who produce more testosterone may become more virulent. The measurement of testosterone in females aids in the identification of polycystic ovaries (Stein-Leventhal syndrome), androgenic syndrome (AGS), ovarian tumours, adrenal tumours, adrenal hyperplasia, and ovarian insufficiency.

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

    Thyrotropin, also known as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), is a glycoprotein made up of two subunits and with a molecular weight of about 30,000 daltons. TSH has a diurnal secretion sequence and is produced in particular basophil cells of the anterior pituitary. The primary regulatory mechanism for the biological action of thyroid hormones is the hypophyseal release of thyrotropic hormone (TSH). TSH has a proliferative effect in addition to boosting thyroid hormone production and secretion at all stages. The first test in thyroid diagnostics is the measurement of TSH. The TSH level responds significantly more strongly to even minute variations in the free thyroid hormone concentrations. As a result, TSH is an extremely sensitive and precise metric for evaluating thyroid function. It is especially well-suited for the early identification or rule-out of illnesses affecting the major regulatory circuit that connects the thyroid, pituitary, and brain.

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