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Tests Parameters


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  • Alpha Feto Protein

    Alpha Feto Protein - Parameters: 1

    Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein that is generated by several tumours as well as the liver and yolk sac during the early stages of foetal life. AFP is used to detect cancerous tumours in the liver, ovaries, and testicles. Patients with gastrointestinal tract tumours and benign liver diseases (such as viral hepatitis and cirrhosis) have also been reported to have serum levels of AFP that are higher than the reference range. As part of the quad screen, AFP is enhanced throughout pregnancy and is used to determine whether there is a higher risk of certain chromosomal abnormalities, such Down syndrome, affecting your foetus. The test's alpha-fetoprotein component can be used to assess the likelihood of neural tube defects, such spina bifida, and malformations of the abdominal wall, including omphalocele.

  • C199 / CA199

    C199 / CA199 - Parameters: 1

    Modified Lewis(a) blood group antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) is the carbohydrate antigen. In foetal gastric, intestinal, and pancreatic epithelia, mucin is present. In low amounts, adult tissue from the pancreas, liver, and lungs is also present. The results of the CA 19-9 assay can help with patient monitoring and differential diagnosis in cases of pancreatic cancer. Potentially useful in distinguishing individuals with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and cholangiocarcinoma from those with PSC alone. Since the liver is the only organ responsible for excreting mucin, in certain instances, even mild cholestasis can result in noticeably raised CA 19-9 serum levels. In addition to cystic fibrosis, a number of benign and inflammatory disorders of the liver and gastrointestinal system are associated with elevated CA 19-9 levels.

  • Carcino Embryonic Antigen

    The foetal gastrointestinal tract and foetal serum are the primary locations of CEA. In addition, healthy adult pancreatic, hepatic, and intestinal tissue have trace amounts of it. After birth, CEA generation is suppressed, and as a result, serum CEA levels are rarely detectable in healthy individuals. In many situations, colorectal adenocarcinomas have high CEA concentrations.3. Twenty to fifty percent of benign disorders affecting the intestines, pancreas, liver, and lungs (such as liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and emphysema) have mild to moderate CEA increases. Additionally, smokers' CEA values are higher. The primary purpose of CEA determinations is to monitor and manage colorectal cancer therapy. Patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and tumours of the breast, gastrointestinal system, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostatic organs may have elevated levels. Patients with primary colorectal cancer may also have elevated levels. It is not advised to use CEA results for cancer screening in the general public. Normal range CEA values do not rule out the possibility of a malignant illness.

  • Prostate

    Prostate - Parameters: 2

    Serial testing with this assay can help with the following when used in conjunction with other clinical and diagnostic procedures: - monitoring response to therapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer; - early diagnosis of recurrence in patients with stage II and III breast cancer who have previously received treatment.

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